July 2018 NAC contest on 144 MHz

There were very good tropo openings towards LA and I was able to work multiple stations in JO59. Norway was a missing DXCC for me on 2-meters. I could even hear those stations on my FT-817 with rubber duck on the windowsill. Booming signals! After 2100 localtime I turned the antenna towards the UK. The desert of this contest was a QSO with GD0AMD/P from the Isle of Man. A complete new DXCC for me (didn’t work it on any band before). ODX today: LA2Z with 860 kilometers. In total I made 54 QSO’s. It could be a bit more but I had to stop before the end of the contest.

This maps shows tropo paths. Very good openings towards LA.

This maps shows tropo paths based on APRS data. Very good openings towards Norway (LA) and Denmark (OZ).

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