Good to be back after some months without antennas. Last weekend I was a bit active during the 144/432 MHz ‘VERON Summer Contest’ to test the antennas. There isn’t much activity in this contest so the results are minimal. I’ve made it to the 4th place overall in PA.
During the 1st Tuesday 144 MHz NAC I’ve worked 35 stations in 23 different Maidenhead grid. The 4th place in PA again. The said news that SK7MW had to leave there location also reached me. I’d like to thank the operators for there activity over the last 2 decades from Mogglarp, Sweden.

During the 1st Wednesday FT8 activity contest I managed to work 52 stations (51 valid) in 19 Maidenhead grids. Good for the 1st place in the PA (Conrad PA5Y isn’t participating in this digi contest. Else he would have 1st for sure).