The 2020 VHF and higher contest results are published. New is the EU FT8 Contest started on Januari. Soon afterwards VERON also started the Digital Dutch Activity Contest (DDAC) on Wednesdays. The year 2020 was a bit rare due to the Covid-19 breakout. But also a storm that broke my antenna mast. A new mast is in but the temporarily rotator pipe was to thin and broke again. So I won’t participate in the Januari section this year.
VHF-SO-HP: #2 in the EU, #1 in the Netherlands
UHF-SO-HP: #4 in the EU, #1 in the Netherlands
144 MHz: #5 in the Netherlands
430 MHz: #6 in the Netherlands
144 MHz: #3 in the Netherlands
430 MHz: #1 in the Netherlands
Hi Randy,
Waar heb jij de dakconstructie met mast laten maken en met welke kosten moet ik rekening houden?
Groet Kees
PA0VPN voormalig PE9W (Nu ook woonachtig in Hoogland.